Turn account holders into raving fans

Deliver an exceptional experience. Customers will thank you for it and they'll never want to leave.

Welcome customers & members instantly

The Challenge

Financial institutions invest a lot to acquire a new account. Often, they make a poor first impression. They fail to instantly welcome new customers and members. Even worse, they cross-sell before someone has had the time to fully take advantage of the product they just opened.


The Solution

Instantly and automatically trigger personalized welcome emails and SMS messages that let new customers and members know how much you appreciate their business. You can even link to a welcome video or a personalized microsite that lets them know how you serve the community.


The Challenge

Financial institutions invest a lot to acquire a new account. Often, they make a poor first impression. They fail to instantly welcome a new customer or member. Even worse, they cross-sell before someone has had the time to fully take advantage of the product they just opened.


The Solution

Instantly and automatically trigger personalized welcome emails and SMS messages that let new customers and members know how much you appreciate their business. You can even link to a welcome video or a personalized guide that lets them know how you serve the community.


Eliminate the pile of paper communication

The Challenge

You can invest in offering the best digital banking experience. If customers don't use the digital services you offer, your investments won't pay off. Many institutions inundate customers and members with paper welcome kits and mail. It's a terrible way to promote digital innovation.


The Solution

Trigger email and SMS messages to remind people about the steps they need to take to get up and running with their new accounts. Link to personalized microsites that help them keep track of the steps they need to take and give them easy access to enroll.


The Challenge

You can invest in offering the best digital banking experience. If customers don't use the digital services you offer, your investment won't pay off. Many institutions inundate customers and members with paper welcome kits and mail. It's a terrible way to promote digital innovation.


The Solution

Trigger email and SMS messages to remind people about the steps they need to take to get up and running with their new accounts. Link to personalized, digital guides that help them keep track of the steps they need to take and give them easy access to enroll.


Get feedback & measure satisfaction

The Challenge

It’s important to collect feedback on the experience your institution is delivering so you can resolve issues before people get frustrated. Institutions lose business outright or suffer from “silent attrition” which happens when people just stop using their accounts.


The Solution

Ask customers and members how well you are serving them and spot potential issues before they fester. Use our simple survey widget to capture feedback. Review aggregate trends and individual responses to ensure that you are delivering an awesome experience.


The Challenge

It’s important to collect feedback on the experience your institution is delivering so you can resolve issues before people get frustrated. Institutions lose business outright or suffer from “silent attrition” which happens when people just stop using their accounts.


The Solution

Ask customers and members how well you are serving them and spot potential issues before they fester. Use our simple survey widget to capture feedback and review aggregate trends and individual responses to ensure that you are delivering an awesome experience.


Help them become & stay financially fit

The Challenge

Customers and members won’t be satisfied if they think you only care about making a profit. Money is what enables them to do the things that are important to them. Yet, many institutions share irrelevant cross-sell offers and try to sell too often.


The Solution

Use the platform to deliver resources that help people and businesses make smart financial decisions. You can also use our automated targeting and rich personalization features to deliver tailored and timely offers that help them when and where they need it.


The Challenge

Customers and members won’t be satisfied if they think you only care about making a profit. Money is what enables them to do the things that are important to them. Yet, many institutions share irrelevant cross-sell offers and try to sell too often.


The Solution

Use the platform to deliver resources that help people and businesses make smart financial decisions. You can also use our automated targeting and rich personalization features to deliver tailored and timely offers that help them when and where they need it.


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What our customers have to say

“Partnering with Digital Onboarding Inc. helps strengthen DCU’s position as a digital leader in driving engagement and overall satisfaction, especially with millennial members.”

Julie Katalinich SVP of Digital FCU

Julie Katalinich
SVP of Member Services
Digital FCU

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